Dnia 1 grudnia otwarto nabór wniosków w ramach 1. międzynarodowego konkursu organizowanego w ramach programu ERA CoBioTech.
Konkurs skupia się na finansowaniu badań obejmujących zagadnienia z zakresu biotechnologii.
Nabór wniosków trwa do 2 marca 2016 r.
Zgłaszane projekty powinny nawiązywać do przynajmniej jednego zakresu tematycznego:
- Synthetic biology for the design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems, or re-design of existing, natural biological systems for useful purposes by use of e.g. (but not limited to) orthogonal bio-systems, regulatory circuits, minimal genome approaches and protocells.
- Systems biology for optimisation of biological processes, including investigation of regulatory mechanisms in intra- and intercellular processes for bio-production, modelling, development of new computational methods and other new methodologies.
- Use of bioinformatic tools (e.g. data standardisation, modelling, open repositories) for the identification and utilisation of metabolic pathways. Datasets can have different origins, e.g. appropriate datasets on genomics, phenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics etc. Mapping and exploitation of cellular processes and metabolic capacities for bio-production and for strain/variety improvement are also included.
- Biotechnological approaches (possibly in combination with chemical ones)to transform bio-based building blocks into molecules with high added value in a sustainable way.
Szczegółowe informacje na temat konkursu znajdują się na stronie internetowej.
Źródło: bip.nauka.gov.